Self lover, EP by Dame Zina. 11/11/22.

This EP out on the 22/09/22 gathers songs about learning self respect and value. It displays four new feminist and empowering songs : Self lover, a song about how relationships can trick us into losing sight of our own love, making us dependent on others' opinions of us.My desires where I sing my longing for … Continue reading Self lover, EP by Dame Zina. 11/11/22.

More than enough, music video by Gaëlle Oro and Dame Zina. 11/11/22.

More than enough is a song about my imposter's syndrome, how I always feel like I'm not enough... sometimes, telling myself I am all I need feels good ! Out on 11/11/2022 with the EP Self lover. We shot this music video as a journey, inside ourselves, through a travel in different landscapes. In our story, … Continue reading More than enough, music video by Gaëlle Oro and Dame Zina. 11/11/22.

Sorcière, music video by Gaëlle Oro and Dame Zina. 22/09/22. Sorcière is a song about how patriarchy has been a prison for women, and how hard it is to come out... but in the end, how liberating this trip is. Out on 22/09/2022 with the EP Sorcière. We shot this music video as three artists : Gaëlle Oro, our genius eyes, Athalia, an extraordinary concept … Continue reading Sorcière, music video by Gaëlle Oro and Dame Zina. 22/09/22.

Sorcière, EP by Dame Zina. 22/09/22

This EP out on the 22/09/22 means "Witch" in French. It displays four completely new feminist and empowering songs : Sorcière, a song in French about how women are always told how to be, look, act, and anyone who dares to be different, too strong, to independent, too sensitive ends up hunted like a witch...So … Continue reading Sorcière, EP by Dame Zina. 22/09/22