In a pandemic world, travelling is harder than ever, and obviously now we want to get out of our homes more than we’ve ever had… leave it all behind, feel free, doesn’t it sound glorious ?
Our new single is out on every music streaming platform.
It is available to purchase on Opensea.
The original flower associated with Je partirai is a poppy, which I love cause my parent’s garden was full of them when I was a child. It feels comfortable to me, but also extremely precious for it only lasts a day, and you can never cut it and keep it in a vase without it immediately fading… it feels a lot like an allegory for our own emotions, that eternal search that could lead us to the end of the earth to that preciousness inside of us.

Here are the six other versions available to purchase as NFTs on Opensea.

You’re a musician yourself ? Join us in our creative adventure by remixing our stems, we will choose our favorite remix of each song and release your creation on a special EP on every platform !
Je partirai loin de tout loin du monde loin d’ici loin de toi mon amour Je laisserai mes affaires mes amours mes amis mes embrouilles et ma cour Je voguerai loin d’ici l’océan m’attirant irrémédiablement Je volerai dans les airs dans les cieux les nuages la pluie du bout du monde ca ne veut pas dire que je n’t’aime pas mon amour mais l’appel du large est trop fort pour moi mon amour sur les continents étranges et pointus mon ombre projette un contour imprécis et mouvant un éclair m’appelle et la nuit gémit le ciel déchiré s’éclaircit et la nuit se replie